The following reasons are available through Signal.
Category | Code | Description |
identification | I301 | The submitted business name is correct |
identification | I302 | The submitted business name has minor typos |
identification | I304 | The submitted business name has material differences |
identification | I305 | The submitted business name is likely a person's name |
identification | I102 | The submitted tax ID belongs to the business |
identification | I103 | The submitted tax ID is does not belong to the business |
identification | I104 | The submitted tax ID belongs to a submitted person |
identification | I105 | The submitted tax ID is not known to belong to the business |
identification | I107 | The submitted address belongs to the business |
identification | I108 | The submitted address is within an approximate distance to the address on-file |
identification | I109 | The submitted address has minor typos but expected to be the same address |
identification | I111 | The submitted address does not belong to the business |
identification | I601 | All submitted people belong to the business |
identification | I602 | Some submitted people belong to the business |
identification | I603 | Additional people are known to belong to the business |
identification | I604 | None of the submitted people belong to the business |
identification | I201 | There are no OFAC or sanctions results for the business |
identification | I202 | There are no OFAC or sanctions results for the people submitted |
identification | I203 | There are OFAC or sanctions results for the business |
identification | I204 | There are OFAC or sanctions results for the people submitted |
identification | I205 | There are OFAC or sanctions results for the people retrieved |
identification | I705 | The submitted business information is low quality |
verification | V101 | The business is registered in many states |
verification | V102 | The business is registered in only a single state |
verification | V103 | The business is registered in a common formation state |
verification | V104 | The business is not registered with any states |
verification | V501 | The SOS registration for all states is active and in good standing |
verification | V502 | The SOS registration for some states is active and in good standing |
verification | V503 | The SOS registration for all states is inactive or in bad standing |
verification | V748 | At least one submitted address is a residential address |
verification | V749 | At least one submitted address is a commercial address |
verification | V750 | At least one submitted address is a registered agent address |
verification | V751 | At least one submitted address is a CMRA |
verification | V752 | At least one submitted address is a private mailbox |
verification | V753 | At least one submitted address is unable to receive mail |
verification | V801 | One or more submitted business locations have been used by 1-20 other businesses |
verification | V802 | One or more submitted business locations have been used by 21-100 other businesses |
verification | V803 | One or more submitted business locations have been used by over 100 other businesses |
verification | V010 | The business is a corporation |
verification | V011 | The business is an LLC |
verification | V012 | The business is a nonprofit |
verification | V013 | The business is a partnership |
verification | V014 | The business is a trust |
evaluation | E500 | The business was formed more than 2 years ago |
evaluation | E501 | The business was formed in the last 2 years |
evaluation | E502 | The business was formed in the last month |
evaluation | E503 | The business was formed in the last year |
evaluation | E1101 | The business has never filed for bankruptcy |
evaluation | E1102 | The business has filed for bankruptcy |
evaluation | E1201 | The business is on the TIN denylist |
Updated 4 days ago