Data Matching

Middesk uses proprietary data matching to normalize, search, and match the business details that you submit. This helps you find the right business faster.

How does it work?

  1. Normalize: We first normalize the data you submit into a “cleaned version.” This includes removing case sensitivity, extra white space, and punctuation; and converting the text to a canonical version.
  2. Search: Using this “cleaned version” of this data, we then search our database to find the best set of records across our authoritative data sets to verify a business. Today, this includes searching the:
    1. Business Name
    2. Business Address
    3. Tax Identification Number (TIN)
    4. Associated People
  3. Match: We then conduct an attribute-by-attribute comparison between the submitted details and the retrieved records to validate if there is a match.


Increase operational efficiencyReduce exposure to risk
Your analysts will save hours per year not having to search for every permutation of a business’s name, address, TIN, and associated people.You can have peace of mind that we are finding the correct business, ensuring that you are onboarding the right customers.

How do we return whether data was successfully matched?

Depending on the attribute, we return “Success”, “Alternate”, “Warning”, or “Failure”, as defined below.

  • Success: The normalized submitted attribute exactly matches at least one normalized retrieved attribute.
Business NameMiddeskMiddesk
Business Address85 2nd St, San Francisco, CA 94105-345985 2nd St, San Francisco, CA 94105-3459
Associated PeopleJohn Roger SmithJohn R Smith

  • Warning: The normalized attribute is similar to at least one normalized attribute.
Business NameMiddesk IncMiddesk LLC
Business Address4322 N Hall St, Dallas, TX 75219-27314104 N Hall St Apt 107, Dallas, TX 75219-5627

  • Failure: The submitted normalized attribute does not match any normalized retrieved attributes.
Business NameMiddeskGoogle
Business Address4322 N Hall St, Dallas, TX 75219-27314201 Cypress Creek Pkwy Ste 540 #1197, Houston, TX 77068-3458
Associated PeopleJohn Roger SmithKeith Morgan

  • Alternate (TIN-only): The submitted attribute is associated with an alternative attribute according to the IRS. Middesk will return the alternative attribute that is associated with the submitted TIN.

If you are interested in learning more about our matching logic, please reference our API documentation.