Middesk's Industry Classification (IC) product is an enterprise-grade, scalable solution for discovering what every business makes and sells. With a single request, Industry Classification can retrieve the web presence of a business entity, extract and analyze its content, and determine the industry of the business.

On top of flagging businesses operating in prohibited/risky industries, Middesk's Industry Classification provides full coverage across all of North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes at the 6-digit level, the equivalent Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, and all Merchant Category Codes (MCC).

Product Flow

Different classifications may be returned depending on the business information provided.

If a customer passes Middesk a business with a provided website URL through the Middesk Dashboard or Business API, the customer will receive both Prohibited and Hierarchical (NAICS, SIC, MCC) classifications when found.

If a customer passes Middesk a business without a provided website URL through the Middesk Dashboard or Business API, the customer will receive Hierarchical (NAICS, SIC, MCC) classifications when found.