Create a Registration Request with shared data

In order to reduce the amount of the data that an employer is required to submit to finish their registration, a breadth of optional parameters are available for submission along with a Registration Request. These parameters include business level information as well as information regarding the business activity in the requested state. The common state questions and their associated keys are below. You can submit all, any, or none of the parameters listed. The more data you provide, the less is required from the employer.


contact_namestringName of the primary contact for the registration
contact_emailstringEmail of the primary contact
contact_phone_numberstringPhone number of the primary contact
contact_titlestringTitle of the primary contact
dba_namestring"Doing Business As" name for Company
non_profitbooleanIs this business a non-profit?
is_501c3_organizationbooleanIf non-profit, is this business a 501(c)(3) organization?
entity_typestringone of: ['corporation', 'llc']
(If non-profit one of: ['nonprofit_corporation', 'nonprofit_llc'])
llc_structurestringIf entity_type is 'llc', one of: ['SINGLE_MEMBER', 'MULTI_MEMBER']
taxed_as_entity_typestringone of: ['c_corporation', 's_corporation', 'individual', 'partnership']
formation_statestringState Company was formed [2 char abbr, ex: "CA"]
formation_datedate stringDate Company was formed ("YYYY-MM-DD")
einintegerEmployer Identification Number (9 digits)
description_of_operationstextDescription of the business' operations
industrystringThe industry title for the NAICS code of the business
naics_codeintegerThe NAICS industry code of the business (6 digits)
purposetextBrief description of the business
fiscal_year_enddate stringDate of the business' fiscal year end ("YYYY-MM-DD")
futa_yeardate stringYear that FUTA liability was met, if any ("YYYY-MM-DD")
registration_reasonstringReason for registration. One of ['FIRST_EMPLOYEE', 'NEW_BUSINESS', 'ACQUIRED_REGISTERED', 'CHANGED_ENTITY_TYPE']
acquisition_datedate stringIf registration_reason is 'ACQUIRED_REGISTERED':
Date of business acquisition ("YYYY-MM-DD")
acquisition_legal_namestringIf registration_reason is 'ACQUIRED_REGISTERED':
Legal name of acquired business
acquisition_feinstringIf registration_reason is 'ACQUIRED_REGISTERED':
FEIN of acquired business
acquisition_state_jurisdiction_einstringIf registration_reason is 'ACQUIRED_REGISTERED':
State Jurisdiction EIN of acquired business
previous_entity_type_change_datestringIf registration_reason is 'CHANGED_ENTITY_TYPE':
Date that entity type changed ("YYYY-MM-DD")
previous_entity_type_feinstringIf registration_reason is 'CHANGED_ENTITY_TYPE':
FEIN of business prior to entity type change
previous_entity_type_state_jurisdiction_einstringIf registration_reason is 'CHANGED_ENTITY_TYPE':
State Jurisdiction EIN of business prior to entity type change
accounting_basisstringOne of: ['CASH', 'ACCRUAL', 'OTHER']
payroll_frequencystringOne of: ['WEEKLY', 'EVERY_OTHER_WEEK', 'SEMIMONTHLY', 'MONTHLY']
employee_countintegerNumber of employees in the state registration is for
addressesarrayList of addresses for the business (format follows)
individualsarrayList of associated individuals for the business (format follows)
questionsarrayList of common state question key and values for the business (format follows)

Example Request Body

  "email": "",
  "company_name": "Question Test 3",
  "external_id": "my-company-id-123",
  "state": "MI",
  "entity_type": "corporation",
  "contact_name": "John Doe",
  "non_profit": "false",
  "addresses": [
      "address_line1": "577 Howard St",
      "address_line2": null,
      "city": "San Francisco",
      "postal_code": "94105-4635",
      "state": "CA",
      "address_type": "primary"
  "individuals": [
      "name": "John Doe",
      "titles": [
      "signatory": true,
      "ownership_percentage": 10,
      "ssn": "123-45-6789",
      "dob": "1990-01-01",
      "address": {
        "address_line1": "570 Glenridge St.",
        "address_line2": null,
        "city": "Sewaren",
        "postal_code": "07077",
        "state": "NJ"
  "questions": [
      "key": "hire_date",
      "value": "2024-03-01"
      "key": "payroll_date",
      "value": "2024-03-10"
      "key": "employee_count",
      "value": 2
      "key": "business_description",
      "value": "Description of business"
      "key": "contractors",
      "value": "true"
      "key": "contractor_duties",
      "value": "Description of contractors duties"
      "key": "primary_address",
      "value": {
        "address_line1": "577 Howard St",
        "address_line2": null,
        "city": "Lansing",
        "postal_code": "94105-4635",
        "state": "MI",
        "address_type": "primary"
      "key": "seasonal",
      "value": "true"
      "key": "seasonal_months",
      "value": ["Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep"]

Object Formats


address_line1stringStreet number and name of the address
address_line2stringSuite or Apt Number of the address
citystringCity of the address
statestringState abbreviation of the address
postal_codestringPostal code of the address
address_typestringType of the address: primary, secondary, mailing


namestringFull name of the individual
emailstringEmail of individual
titlesarrayList of titles of the individual. Accepted values: ['Chief Executive Officer', 'Chief Financial Officer', 'Chief Operating Officer', 'Chief Technology Officer', 'Chief Product Officer', 'Chief Business Officer', 'Chief Administrative Officer', 'Manager', 'Managing Member', 'Member', 'President', 'Secretary', 'Secretary/Treasurer', 'Treasurer', 'Vice President']
ssnstringSSN of the individual
dobdate stringDate of birth of the individual ("YYYY-MM-DD")
hired_datedate_stringDate individual was hired to company ("YYYY-MM-DD")
ownership_percentageintegerThe individuals percentage of ownership of the business
signatorybooleanIs this individual a signatory of the business?
directorbooleanIs this individual a director of the business?
llc_ownerbooleanIf business is LLC, is this individual a LLC owner?
addressaddressAddress of the individual


keystringThe key associated with the question found in the list below
valuestring, integer, boolean, objectThe value / answer of the question

Common State Questions

          key: 'business_description',
          question: "Please describe the business activity in the state"
          key: 'contractor_duties',
          question: "Please describe the duties of the independent contractors that work for you in the state"
          key: 'contractors',
          question: "Do any independent contractors work for you in the state?"
          key: 'employee_count',
          question: "Total number of employees in the state"
          key: 'hire_date',
          question: "Date employees hired/will be hired in the state"
          key: 'payroll_date',
          question: "Date of first payroll in the state"
          key: 'primary_address',
          question: "Primary or Employee Address in the state"
          key: 'seasonal',
          question: 'Is your business seasonal?'
          key: 'seasonal_months',
          question: "Please specify the months of your business' operation"