
Improvements to Industry Classification

We launched Industry Classification in 2019 to help our customers reduce exposure to risk by automatically identifying which industries businesses fall into, and which are high-risk. We’ve heard great feedback from our customers, and are excited to announce several new improvements launching on June 27th, 2024.

Improvements to the Business Verification Model, Orders, and Policies

To close out the past quarter, our product and engineering team has been working hard on product and technical updates to our Business Verification models and attribute matching, Orders workstreams, and Policies behavior.


Socure Partnership: Document Verification

Through our partnership with Socure, Middesk will now support the complete document verification feature from within Middesk.


Separate Assignee and Status for the Middesk Orders API

Prior to this release, the reviewer assignee and status of the business could only be applied across the entire business entity.


Introducing Middesk Release Notes

In the past few months, we have been working on a lot of exciting new features and improving the user experience at Middesk. We have also recently published our view on how we approach changes/updates made to our API. For updates focused on products in a beta stage, new feature releases, or product enhancements, subscribe to our Product Updates.